Gorgas House
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Raphael Semmes Statue
Mobile, Alabama

Raphael Semmes House
Mobile, Alabama

Main Gates
University of Alabama

Capstone Memorial
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
When the Alabama’s keel was laid
Roll, Alabama, Roll
Twas laid in the yard of Jonathan Laird
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
Twas laid in the yard of Jonathan Laird
Roll, Alabama, Roll
Twas laid in the town of Birkenhead
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
Down the Mersey way she rolled then
Roll, Alabama, Roll
Liverpool fitted her with guns and men
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
From the Western Isle she sailed forth
Roll, Alabama, Roll
To destroy the commerce of the North
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
To Cherbourg port she sailed one day
Roll, Alabama, Roll
To take her count of prize money
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
Many a sailor lad he met his doom
Roll, Alabama, Roll
When the Kearsarge it hove in view
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
Til a ball from the forward pivot that day
Roll, Alabama, Roll
Shot the Alabama’s stern away
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
Off the three mile limit in sixty-five*
Roll, Alabama, Roll
The Alabama went to her grave
O Roll, Alabama, Roll
* The C.S.S. Alabama was sunk by the U.S.S. Kearsarge on June 19, 1864
Roll Alabama Roll
As performed by Bobby Horton
Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 4
Website: http://BobbyHorton.com/

An English “sea shanty”, or shipboard working song, it chronicles the history of the most successful ship in the Confederate Navy, the C.S.S. Alabama. The original author is unknown.

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